Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research

Scientific Study of Consciousness-Related Physical Phenomena

Engineering and Consciousness

The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research program was established at Princeton University in 1979 by Robert G. Jahn, Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science, to pursue rigorous scientific study of the interaction of human consciousness with sensitive physical devices, systems, and processes common to contemporary engineering practice. Since that time, an interdisciplinary staff of engineers, physicists, psychologists, and humanists has been conducting a comprehensive agenda of experiments and developing complementary theoretical models to enable better understanding of the role of consciousness in the establishment of physical reality.

I. Human/Machine Anomalies

The most substantial portion of the PEAR program examines anomalies arising in human/machine interactions. In these experiments human operators attempt, solely by volition, to influence the behavior of a variety of mechanical, electronic, optical, acoustical, and fluid devices to conform to pre-stated intentions. In unattended calibrations these sophisticated machines all produce strictly random outputs, yet the experimental results display increases in information content that can only be attributed to the influence of the human operators. Over the laboratory's history, thousands of such experiments, involving many millions of trials, have been performed by over a hundred operators. The observed effects are usually quite small, of the order of a few parts in ten thousand, but they are statistically repeatable and appear to be operator specific in their details. In contrast, the results of given operators on widely different machines tend to be similar in character and scale. Pairs of operators with shared intentions are found to induce further anomalous characteristics in the outputs. The devices also respond to group activities of larger numbers of people, even when they are unaware of the machine's presence. These human/machine anomalies can be demonstrated with the operators located thousands of miles from the laboratory, exerting their efforts hours before or after the actual operation of the devices. Elaborate analytical methods have been developed to extract as much understanding from these results as possible, and to guarantee their integrity against any experimental or data processing flaws.

II. Remote Perception

In another class of studies, the ability of human participants to acquire information about spatially and temporally remote geographical targets, otherwise inaccessible by any known sensory means, has been thoroughly demonstrated over several hundred carefully conducted experiments. The protocol requires one participant, the "agent", to be stationed at a randomly selected location at a given time, and there to observe and record impressions of the details and ambience of the scene. A second participant, the "percipient", located far from the scene and with no prior information about it, tries to sense its composition and character and to report these in a similar format to the agent's description.

Even casual comparison of the agent and percipient narratives produced in this body of experiments reveals striking correspondences in both their general and specific aspects, indicative of some anomalous channel of information acquisition, well beyond any chance expectation. Incisive analytical techniques have been developed and applied to these data to establish more precisely the quantity and quality of objective and subjective information acquired and to guide the design of more effective experiments. Beyond confirming the validity of this anomalous mode of human information acquisition, these analyses demonstrate that this capacity of human consciousness is also largely independent of the distance between the percipient and the target, and similarly independent of the time between the specification of the target and the perception effort.

III. Theoretical Models

All scientific research requires generic and specific theoretical models for constructive dialogue with the empirical data. The stark inconsistencies of the human/machine and remote perception results with established physical and psychological theories place extraordinary demands on the development of competent new models to represent these processes. In particular, the primary importance of operator intention, the operator-specific aspects, the absence of traditional learning patterns, and the lack of explicit space and time dependence clearly indicate that no direct application or minor alteration of existing physical or psychological frameworks will suffice. Rather, nothing less than a generously expanded model of reality, one that allows consciousness a proactive role in the establishment of its experience of the physical world, will be required. Such a model has been proposed and developed under the major premise that the basic processes by which consciousness exchanges information with its environment, orders that information, and interprets it, also enable it to bias probabilistic systems and thereby to avail itself of some control over its reality. This model regards many of the concepts of observational quantum mechanics, most importantly the principles of complementarity and wave mechanical resonance, as fundamental characteristics of consciousness, rather than as intrinsic features of an objective physical environment. In this view, the "anomalous" phenomena observed in the PEAR experiments become quite normal expectations of bonded human/machine and human/human systems, and the door is opened for all manner of creative consciousness/environnment interactions.

Extended Activities

From this well established program of research, a number of related activities radiate outward into other locales and disciplines:

Implications and Applications

This composite array of internal and external PEAR activities is motivated by three overarching goals:

PEAR Staff


Many archival publications and technical reports describing PEAR's experimental and theoretical studies are available on request. In addition, the book Margins of Reality (Harcourt Brace, 1988), now published in several languages, summarizes the research results and interprets them in a multidisciplinary context that allows exploration of their wider cultural implications. (This may be ordered directly from the publisher at 465 South Lincoln Dr., Troy, MO 63379, or by phone at 1-800-543-1918.)

To request publications, or for further information about any PEAR programs, please contact:

Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research
C-131, Engineering Quadrangle
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544

(609) 258-5950 (phone),(609) 258-1993 (fax) (email)

PEAR also has a Home Page on the World Wide Web at URL:


The internal and external programs of the PEAR laboratory have been supported by a number of visionary and generous persons and organizations, among them: The Fetzer Institute, The McDonnell Foundation, The Ohrstrom Foundation, Laurance Rockefeller, and Donald Webster, along with various other philanthropic agencies and individuals. We welcome the interest and participation of any persons or organizations that share our convictions about the importance of this work and its potential public benefits.